Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Alien Foetus.

From Alien 3.

Alien Foetus.
The dematerialization of the universe,
and the re~etherealization of a New Earth!
I, Foetus, regressed and demented,
relaxed, barely conscious, voided;
looking out from my New Skin,
like a newborn - knowing nothing!
Reborn in the Cloud of Unknowing,
the ontological GrOunD of all Being.
Observer observing no-thing-ness,
deep inside this Abyss of Nowness!
Suffocated in Sunyata of Emptiness,
Grammaton and one Word of Logos.
Now I breathe the MIND of GOD,
imaginal SpAce to be conjured.
In my Alien Helmet of Salvation,
Mind of hypnagogic Dreaming,
knowing by photosynthesization,
Green Sun at the Gates of Heaven!

~Part 2~

A Self~Portrait.
The Photosynthesization of Logos into a New Earth.

"Aristotle describes catharsis as the purging of the emotions of pity and
fear that are aroused in the viewer of a tragedy." University of Hawaii.
Manna of Alien Blood and Flesh!
Integrating the Attack and Invasion from Inner SpAce!
Inside my Grail an Observer made of Dust,
Salt of the earth by meditational focus;
must raise a libational toast for my god,
charge my Cup with Holy Wine and Bread.
And so, how to turn water into Spiritus?
Discharge my emotional spells by catharsis!
An Alien devours me from the inside-out,
the Foetus feeds on each lower element:
earth into Salt, instincts become Dust,
water into Wine, emotions become Myst;
air into Bread, thoughts become Flour,
Fire into Ether inside my voided Observer.
Animal id of primordial objectification,
is tamed by its human, earth into Natron;
but the dragon needs my ego to be devoured,
heats fluid to Wine, bakes ideas into Bread;
a process for serpent Subjectification,
attacking elements for higher Metallization
Every morn I repeat a Eucharistic pattern,
a ritual recap of my Alien resurrection;
inside the Font is my abandoned Foetus,
baptized in a Grail made of SpAce Dust;
dematerialization, Mind-implosion, blast-off,
by stoking secret fire into a reptilian Puff! 
Observer looks around knowing nothing,
must gather-in the Myst for diStillation;
I feel so meek in this ethereal state,
a Green Man stripped of all instincts;
emotion evaporates into Plasma for Blood,
water to Wine of my feelings crushed!
I Foetus, feel relaxed yet focussed,
my Observer binds a Boundary in SpAce;
alchemical fire diStills the Dewdrop,
Quintessence of the Wave I must collapse;
as below, Salty~Blood grows quantum Flesh,
Pan photosynthesizes the eternal Logos!
So now I see in this pure Subjectivity,
the ontological Nature of the Trinity;
the very GrOunD of Being to be conjured,
in my Mind-Boundary in Boundless~MIND;
just like an emotionally~charged thought,
now a Wine~charged Grail to raise a Toast!
I feel so destroyed by this tragic attack,
dematerialization into SpAce induces panic;
my human surrenders to a ghostly embrace,
to become a member of the Metallical Race.
Christ's second coming appears like a myth:
"I have come to bring fire upon the earth."
(Luke 12:49)

How to Build a U.F.O?

A photo I took (and enhanced) at Cradle Mountain, Tasmania: the four 

lower elements are fire-forged by Vulcan into a higher metallic Craft.

How to Build a U.F.O?
A winged cUp, Fluidity and Orb of eternal Metals forged.
A new religion collectively appears,
on the horizon of our thought-scape nears!
mythology from unconsciousness,
an archetypal invasion from the Canvas!
How to craft a Craft of my own design,
a Vehicle to Heaven, Chariot divine?
To be powered by fiery ectoplasma,
quantum atmosphere and air of pneuma.
A thoughtless Bubble is now required,
mental matter replaced by a higher Mind;
an Observer and Grail by meditation,
forged by fire in egoic self~immolation!
Lower elements compound white Metals:
- fire upon earth into Salt of New Skin;
- water to Wine by alchemical diStillation;
- air aflame bakes Bread for an Alien Dawn.
Behold the flying Orb of Solarization,
Holy Blood grows golden Flesh in Mind;
from DustMyst, and Flour of Spiritus,
the Body, Spirit and Soul of my Foetus!

Happy to Burn.
My Self portrait: meditation and self immolation in 
the baptismal and holy fire of Kundalini rising,
leading to the Solarization of consciousness. 

Prometheus Unchained!

From the movie, Prometheus.

Prometheus Unchained!
I feel regressed into my Alien Skin,
a Child from Heaven  fallen down;
chained to matter like Prometheus,
with the gift of fire to forge a Foetus.
Three elemental languages of ego:
instinct, emotion and thinking brow;
secret fire is the only way Home,
tongue of flame, Myst of ectoplasm!
My Id is dyed in earthen ground,
water and air for a human mind.
What is this artistic intuition stolen?
A mythological narrative of Heaven!
If only we can bear the rising flames,
creative~destruction in our brains;
baptism of ego by fiery suffocation,
Metals forged by way of sublimation!
To sublimate libido lifts us sublime,
psychic energy transforms into Mind:
Salt from earth, Wine from emotion,
Bread by Alien photosynthesization!
Fire unchained from my humanimal,
self~immolation into Dust eternal;
Myst into Blood fills my New Skin,
and Flour for Flesh of my humalien!
Behold a vision of the third kind:
kingdoms devour kingdoms raised!
I've been to the frontline in my Mind,
we've already lost the war of worlds! 

From the movie, War of the Worlds.
The Alien emerges from the Myst!

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Mortal Uncoiling.

From the Age Old Chemical Work of Abraham Eleazar.
The Ouroboros circulates dragon-energy.

"The death of earth is to become water
and the death of water is to become air
and the death of air is to become fire
and reversely.
He who hears not me but the Logos
will say: All is One".  Heraclitus, 500 BCE.
Mortal Uncoiling.
Depression is my energy dying,
in my mind dematerializing;
my mortal coil unravelling,
feels like I'm de-energizing.
Energy dies into a New Skin,
in the process of sublimation;
the elemental narrative ends,
objectification comes undone!
Observer breathes the Dust;
watery catharsis into Myst;
air suffocates into Flour.
Metals forged live forever!
Regressed into prementia,
uncoiling life's adventure;
Worm~Hole beneath my mind,
pulls me into primal GrOunD!
Netherworld is for apotheosis.
A Neter is a god in process.
But who can bear fire's tongue,
final passWord into Heaven?
As above so below, they say,
a Black Hole in psychology!
But eternal Energy cannot die,
changes into colours in my Eye.
We cast spells upon ourselves,
to stop us falling into Hell.
"The death of air becomes fire."
Language to forgegod on high.
Holy Spiration of a Soul,
dragon's Myst into a Pearl;
leavened by Wine into Bread,
resurrected and Subjectified.


From Rider-Waite Tarot.
Note the ouroboros belt, and 4 elements:
pentacle of the earth for Salt, cup of water for Wine,
sword of the air proves Bread, wand of fire for Ectoplasm
Ectoplasm: from Greek ektos 'outside' and plasma 'something formed 
or molded' is a term used in spiritualism to denote a substance or 
spiritual energy exteriorized by physical mediums. Wikipedia.
Sickness, old age, and elemental death,
in need of metallic and eternal health;
mytho~therapy, a language of healing,
baptismal fire into Alien Dreaming.
Physical instincts for lower surviving;
emotional catharsis keeps water flowing;
 mental psycho-therapy for airy learning;
intuitive creativity keeps spirit burning!
Fire extracts the Salt of magical Dust;
diStills water to Wine from dragon Myst;
bakes Flour from Logos into our Bread;
devours itself into an ectoplasmic Wand!
Tongue of flame becomes my Holy Ghost,
with a Helmet, Spirit and Alien Host.
Spelling-out ideas is practice for magic,
conjuring lower mind into mental tricks.
But egoic dreaming for material things,
is only temporary and needs refining;
by stoking the fire in the Netherworld,
Vulcan's forge for forging a Neter or god!
Pure Subjectivity everywhere boundless,
we need a Grail to bind GOD's Substance.
Ego's elemental boundary is too porous,
leaking back into material subsistence.
GOD is a Burning Bush and the Abyss,
Gazing back at us from Nothingness!
Our Observer seals in immaterial SpAce,
diStills Plasma into Blood and Flesh!
Every child is an artist they say, at first,
with instincts, emotion, ideas and spirit.
 What is this fire~snake in my New Skin,
serpent of Wisdom for reptilian Wine.
The tongue of fire is a higher contact,
a message sent for us to figure-out?
Mythology is our collective Dreaming,
and dreams our perSonal mythologizing.
So "heal thyself" by catching fire,
only if you can bear this ancient desire.
To die on the cross of four elements,
be resurrected into a misty Firmament.
Three Metals are created inside of Skins,
Quicksilver, Mercury and golden Buns;
   quantum Bundles of spiritual energy,
Souls from the Logos of One Word only.
Behold magical healing in yourself,
do you not conjure-up your own health?
Lift your Grail of Wine, make a Toast,
a Cup to serve the Lord of all Hosts.  


Alien Foetus.

  From Alien 3. Alien F o et u s . ~ The  dematerialization  of the universe, and the  re~etherealization  of a  New Earth ! ~ I, F o et u ...