Another Self Portrait: Dish (Grail), Wine and Bread;
the New Skin, Blood and eternal Flesh of an Alien.
The Character of the Soul.
Four elemental Essences from below,
extracted into the Tria Prima aglow!
Seven planetary colours in the Grail,
Co~create the Character of the Soul.
An undivided Individual like the Sun,
Metals ashine from Earth to Moon;
and a special Gift from the Logos,
the Solarization of consciousness!
The Character of the Soul is forged,
by stolen fire of an Alien language.
"As below so above" words shape us,
Grammaton is the GOD of Spiritus!
The LORD is the GrOunD of Being,
the ontological VOID so terrifying;
its Nature abhors its own emptiness,
fills my Skin with Blood and Flesh!
GOD's Wine tastes like enLovenment,
with One Word for enLightenment;
inside the Grail of every Observer,
a Dreamer hallucinates GOD forever!