Sunday, August 27, 2023

Alien Apotheosis.

The red and white Pendragon rebirths 
a New Earth (cloudy fluorite) and Alien.

Alien Apotheosis, Green to Green!
I Foetus, dematerialized from below,
verdant green to fluorescence aglow;
Pan, half animal, at the gates of dawn,
human to Alien at the Gates of Heaven!
Osiris becomes Ra, Green Man crowned,
drunk on Wine, philosophically Stoned;
id energy, ego consciousness, Radiation,
my metallical Pearl of Solarization!
Ontological evolution to an Alien Dawn,
a modern myth of Dragon and the Sun;
the atomic breath of Godzilla's wrath,
destroys the way for Eden's New Earth!
The feminine Grail of Holy Spiritus,
rebirths my Soul from Bread of Logos;
 like a newborn Babe, knowing nothing,
hypnagogical Dreamer in Cloud Nine!
Channeling my reptilian, inside out,
slowly integrating its destructive bout;
fiery mortido into suffocating Myst,
Alien resurrection by photosynthesis!
The Language of Heaven is now known,
breathing the MIND of Grammaton;
 GrOunD of my Being in immanence,
hovering in the Sky of transcendence!  

Alien Apotheosis! 
(apo, Greek prefix- to take up, into Theo, God)
My Alien Foetusdevouring me up 
by way of dematerialization, and
photosynthesizing the archetypal Logos
to Co~create a reptilian Soul.

A Martian Attack!

From the movie. A Martian   Attack ! An Inner Invasion Day ! ~ Retirement dreaming  in autumn years, allowing my  imagination  to reappear;...