Saturday, August 26, 2023

The Crucible with Manna from Heaven.

Romans added toasted bread crumbs to their goblets, reducing the acidity of 
the often bitter wine. Thus came the term “to toast”—from the Latin term “tostus,” meaning “to dry up" or "scorch." (Toastmasters International)
The Intolerable Process of Apotheosis
Inside the Crucible of My Grail.
Experientially learning the Tongue of Fire's mythological 
narrative as it transforms four elements into 3 god-Metals.
Manna is toxic to my elemental id and ego,
Dust, Myst and Flour from death's Blow;
tasting holy Ash, the Salt of the earth,
my instincts devoured in baptismal wrath!
A Phoenix resurrects Myst in my Crucible,
the taste of acidic Wine fills my Grail;
red Mercury turns water into a Libation,
holy Blood grows Flesh for my Black Sun.
Re-Etherealized Flour for baked Bread,
dematerializes my ego's ideational head!
My charged~Grail is raised-up to the Host,
vinegary Wine sweetened with burnt Toast.
Who does my Grail up in Heaven serve?
A Libation for my quantum god above; 
holy Leaven to enliven my sleeping Bread,
a golden Fleece from the Lamb of the Word!
Part 2
"The seventh and final phase of alchemy is known 
as Coagulation, in which the alchemist completes the Great Work
 and creates the Philosopher’s Stone." The Rhetoric of Magic.

Mythological Writing Meditation.
A Eucharistic Toast Enlivens the Alien Ghost!
Of every morn I sit and write my musings,
still half-asleep in hypnagogic Dreaming;
using mytho~therapy to process apotheosis,
an Alien narrative to forge my Holy Foetus!
All languages transform us as we learn,
so too the tongue of fire devours and burns;
refining Salt from the earth into a New Skin,
evaporating water to Wine for Coagulation!
Two of 3 Metals sealed in my Homunculus,
Grail and red Mercury of Body and Spiritus;
Observer is drunk on quintessential Blood,
tasting Ash and acidic Wine in voided Mind.
Raise the charged~Cup into GOD's Word,
to receive your Black-Soul of burnt Bread;
Wine is sweetened in the baptismal Grail,
the Alloy of three god-Metals made eternal!
Zosimos' Crucible is hell for my id and ego,
my human identity-structure hit by a blow;
bellow's breath in the alchemical furnAce,
Pendragon roars to coagulate the Flesh!

Picture from Splendor Solis.

A Martian Attack!

From the movie. A Martian   Attack ! An Inner Invasion Day ! ~ Retirement dreaming  in autumn years, allowing my  imagination  to reappear;...