Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Wand of Alien Power!

From the Tarot Deck.

The Wand of Alien Power!
A Degree in Wizardry.
We already have Power to tame reactions,
controlling the earth of animal instincts;
and the Power of emotional intelligence,
to calm the waters of our dramatizations.
We have the Power to conjure-up words,
and dispel the spelling of our false ideas;
but few can harness the magic in mind,
and invoke the Power to wave the Wand!
All four elements can be used at hand,
language modes that help us understand;
the tongue of fire is creative~destruction,
the symbolic Power of dematerialization!
Earth into Dust extracts metallical Salt;
water into Myst diStills~out Wine to taste;
air proves the Flour for our daily Bread;
the Wand casts three Metals in my Head!
My Wizard waves the spell of holy fire,
summons the flames of a higher desire:
self~immolation and Self~resurrection,
into New SkinBlood and Flesh reborn!

A Martian Attack!

From the movie. A Martian   Attack ! An Inner Invasion Day ! ~ Retirement dreaming  in autumn years, allowing my  imagination  to reappear;...