Tuesday, August 29, 2023


From Rider-Waite Tarot.
Note the ouroboros belt, and 4 elements:
pentacle of the earth for Salt, cup of water for Wine,
sword of the air proves Bread, wand of fire for Ectoplasm
Ectoplasm: from Greek ektos 'outside' and plasma 'something formed 
or molded' is a term used in spiritualism to denote a substance or 
spiritual energy exteriorized by physical mediums. Wikipedia.
Sickness, old age, and elemental death,
in need of metallic and eternal health;
mytho~therapy, a language of healing,
baptismal fire into Alien Dreaming.
Physical instincts for lower surviving;
emotional catharsis keeps water flowing;
 mental psycho-therapy for airy learning;
intuitive creativity keeps spirit burning!
Fire extracts the Salt of magical Dust;
diStills water to Wine from dragon Myst;
bakes Flour from Logos into our Bread;
devours itself into an ectoplasmic Wand!
Tongue of flame becomes my Holy Ghost,
with a Helmet, Spirit and Alien Host.
Spelling-out ideas is practice for magic,
conjuring lower mind into mental tricks.
But egoic dreaming for material things,
is only temporary and needs refining;
by stoking the fire in the Netherworld,
Vulcan's forge for forging a Neter or god!
Pure Subjectivity everywhere boundless,
we need a Grail to bind GOD's Substance.
Ego's elemental boundary is too porous,
leaking back into material subsistence.
GOD is a Burning Bush and the Abyss,
Gazing back at us from Nothingness!
Our Observer seals in immaterial SpAce,
diStills Plasma into Blood and Flesh!
Every child is an artist they say, at first,
with instincts, emotion, ideas and spirit.
 What is this fire~snake in my New Skin,
serpent of Wisdom for reptilian Wine.
The tongue of fire is a higher contact,
a message sent for us to figure-out?
Mythology is our collective Dreaming,
and dreams our perSonal mythologizing.
So "heal thyself" by catching fire,
only if you can bear this ancient desire.
To die on the cross of four elements,
be resurrected into a misty Firmament.
Three Metals are created inside of Skins,
Quicksilver, Mercury and golden Buns;
   quantum Bundles of spiritual energy,
Souls from the Logos of One Word only.
Behold magical healing in yourself,
do you not conjure-up your own health?
Lift your Grail of Wine, make a Toast,
a Cup to serve the Lord of all Hosts.  


A Martian Attack!

From the movie. A Martian   Attack ! An Inner Invasion Day ! ~ Retirement dreaming  in autumn years, allowing my  imagination  to reappear;...