Christ as the Green Man.
Jesus as Green Man: Image part of larger wall mural at
Iglesia de San Francisco de Paula Church, Havana, built in 1664.
Iglesia de San Francisco de Paula Church, Havana, built in 1664.
Green~Sun and Immaculate Foetus.
Green~Sun of alchemical Solification,
reborn of human dematerialization,
speaks in the tongue of Heaven,
my Mind in MIND of the Grammaton!
I look back upon this mortal world,
from inner SpAce, Helmet sealed;
must nurture my immaculate Foetus,
learn to live in quantum Nowness!
Earthen green of human experience,
half animal, half ego consciousness;
Pan panning for Stars inside my Head,
green wheat dies into golden Bread!
Death's blow, mortido, reaps a harvest,
dragon's fire into Ash and Dust;
forging a New Skin of my Grail,
a feminine Vessel rebirths my Soul!
Higher Manas for Manna of Spiritus,
Myst into Wine, Flour for Flesh;
metallic colours of eternal Salvation;
Earth, Blood Moon and Solarization!
Pan, the Piper at the gates of dawn,
blows Wind into my elemental mind.
Adam to Christ at the Gates of Heaven,
Osiris, Silvanus, Green Man into Alien!
Dragon's Pearl of Spirit and Soul,
Panpsychic Dreamer inside my Grail;
fire fuels ectoplasmic apotheosis,
Mind and Imago Dei of my Foetus!
Observer photosynthesizes the Logos,
Metatron and one Word of DEUS.
Heaven is conjured like in the brain,
hypnagogic Dreaming in Cloud Nine!