Thursday, August 17, 2023

Alien Psychology.

Alien Psychology.
Self Counselling by the Tongue of Fire!
I feel demented inside my voided Head,
each morning my ego dies to the world;
suffocates in the intolerable Crucible,
death of my human, resurrection of Soul.
The Grail is a channel up to Heaven,
communication through my reptilian.
Alien apotheosis by way of abduction,
intelligible tongue of dematerialization!
I feel the flames and see Nothingness,
psychotic hallucination of my Foetus!
I talk to mySelf, from lower to higher,
divine madness in the spiritual fire!
Holy psychosis of my self~immolation,
this secret fire burns under my Skin;
the "talking cure" puffs me into smoke,
 ectoplasmically Ghosted for my sake!
Ouroboros self~devours into Dust,
through the underworld, up into Myst;
pure Subject in the ontological Void,
Eye in the EYE of the Ninth CLOUD!
Behold omniScience, Esse est Percipi,
White-Hot~Metal in my Lucidity;
Burning SkyCLOUD of Unknowing,
Grammaton behind all understanding!

A Martian Attack!

From the movie. A Martian   Attack ! An Inner Invasion Day ! ~ Retirement dreaming  in autumn years, allowing my  imagination  to reappear;...