Another one of my Chalices:
the Grail of Death and Font of baptismal rebirth.
This Hallucination of GOD,
and the Mythology of Science.
Nature abhors the vacuum in my Head,
an Alien emerges in my voided stead;
holding the SpAce of GOD's Cloud,
this GrOunD of Being fills my Mind!
Face to FACE, my Observer OBSERVED,
holy psychosis!.. my mind dematerialized;
mental matter suffocates unto death,
GOD the Baptist with grace-like wrath!
Within this Cloud of Unknowingness,
the Sun is the archetypal Logos;
for GOD has no Pattern, just MIND,
and Word of Light for Subjectification.
But it needs a Wave to spiral about,
the Dreamer of the Moon's Spirit;
Wine intoxicates the Grail memBrane,
Myst diStills~out a Holy Spiration!
Breathing~out quantum Air of Heaven,
without which there is no Observation,
the Grand OBSERVER of omniScience,
behind the Big Bang and fAll experience!
Science turns out to be a mythology,
high priests usurping GOD's authority;
trying to understand the universal code,
the immaculate Concept of One Word!
Ontological evolution of green to Green,
GOD is pure Subjectivity unseen;
whose One Light contains All coloration,
Canvas, Pen, Nib and Ink hallucinations!
Oph or Ophis: Greek "snake" (origin: Apep or Apophis, Egyptian serpent.)
The gnostic Ophites worshipped the serpent in the Garden of Eden.