Friday, August 25, 2023

LOGOS Bathing!

SpAce, ever Still, ever Exploding! 

"The Moon turns to Blood before the coming of the great and
glorious Day of the LORD." Acts 2:20.

Picture by Christopher Hilton (with my coloration).

Risen Pan meditates upon the Blood MOONphotosynthesizing 
the LOGOS of the inner SUN into an IncanDescent New Earth!

Blast-Off !

LOGOS Bathing!
Egocide by Green Capsule.
Human Death, Alien Resurrection!
LOGOS bathing in my voided New Mind,
one WORD in the VOID photosynthesized;
I'm finally dead to this world, all aflame,
but my Salamander is never consumed!
The Green Man sublimates to the MOON,
where Pan meditates on the inner SUN;
diStilling Spirit inside of my Holy Grail,
photosynthesizing LOGOS into my Soul.
The LORD's Pet devours me in its Wrath,
my enDarkenment in primordial Death;
to behold the Ontological Burning Bush,
archetypal ID in VOIDAL IncanDescence!
We're made in the Image of this CANVAS,
GRAMMATON Gazing at each Page of Ages;
every human is an id and ego individual,
based on GOD's ID, BLOOD, FLESH eternal!
This is the GrOunD of an Almighty BEING,
the ALL in ONE and CLOUD of Unknowing;
inner VOID for ALchemical Coagulation,
and the Vacuum for quantum Solarization!
SpAce extracts Essence of lower activity,
my Mind in GOD, GrOunD of every Seed;
each fallen id is dyed in earthen instincts,
husks in the soil of Gaia's four elements.
 Green wheat finally dies into golden Bread,
my Alien Helmet flies back to the LORD:
the primordial Incandescent DREAMER,
WHITE METAL behind who we really are!
I have nothing left to say in Draconic Fire,
from the MOON I write in Blood of Sophia;
PenDragOn rebirths her Pearl in my Mind,
the Immaculate Concept of just one WORD!
A final blast-off to LUNA and SOL divine,
I'm now Alienated from the world of action;
to conjure New Metal that flickers all Green,
toxic and Radio-Active inside my New Skin.
My godzilla, based on GOD's archetypal Pet,
is a Co~creation of the LORD and my own It;
unleashing the Beast into a Neo-Green Man,
old Adam, Cernunnos, Pan, Osiris reBorn! 
I have become poiSonous to all human life,
that's why I feel so dead inside my egoic self;
yet, as below so above, the Id grows aglow,
creating a New Earth inside my Alien Brow.
I am intoxicated as I write in mythic Blood,
a final verse enCapsulating just one WORD;
this Essence of lower life by fire extracted,
paints my Page with quantum Green Light!
Tongue of Fire penning symbolical Blood,
with the Feather of Maat uplifting my Head.
Learning Alien Dialects will last us forever,
I can now retire and let my Id Be, in clover. 

A Martian Attack!

From the movie. A Martian   Attack ! An Inner Invasion Day ! ~ Retirement dreaming  in autumn years, allowing my  imagination  to reappear;...