Tuesday, August 22, 2023

E = MC3.

by Christopher Hilton.
My interpretation: The risen Pan meditates upon the Blood Moon,
photosynthesizing the Logos of the inner Sun into a New Earth!

"Luna is really the Mother of the Sun, which means, psychologically,
that the unconscious is pregnant with Consciousness and gives birth to it."
Carl Jung (Mysterium Coniunctionis).

Tri~Energy of the Moon's Child.
We're created in GOD's pure Subjectivity,
with no 4 elements for our own imagery.
I need Green Essence of life's experience,
for a Foetus, reborn from consciousness.
To the Sun in my GrailSalt of the earth,
on flaming wings, Fairy Dust from wrath!
Egoic matter dematerializes into SpAce,
by Agni, the Envoy and Tongue of Mythos.
Fire is the Language stolen from Heaven,
writing in Blood, one Word with my Pen!
Alien levitation from Moon to Logoic Sol,
which leavens the FlourBread for a Soul.
Feeling de~energized, libido sublimated,
ego diSpelled, Green Fairy Etherealized!
An Alien Language of New Earth Energy,
photosynthesized Consciousness at play!
As below so aboveE = MC3 of Tria Prima,
GOD's Canvas is a Panpsychic Panorama!
Moon's Child, quantum Dreaming again,
my Tongue of Fire starts flickering Green!


A Martian Attack!

From the movie. A Martian   Attack ! An Inner Invasion Day ! ~ Retirement dreaming  in autumn years, allowing my  imagination  to reappear;...