Saturday, August 19, 2023

Alien Grey in ONENESS.

Philosophia Reformata, 1622.
Sol Niger, the alchemical Black Sun.

Alien Grey in Etheric ONENESS.
Surrender the earth, in water drown,
there's natural focus in a New Skin;
air suffocates in a Blood~Vessel fired,
coagulating Flesh from GOD's Word.
My Alien Grey, half Pater and Mater,
forms into the Image of a Sol Niger;
a Black Sun in the unbounded Canvas,
bounded in my Grail of higher Manas.
EnLovenment, from Black Madonna,
is the Spirit of the Prima Materia;
my reptilian Skin fills with Blood,
coagulates Flesh from just One Word!
Behold the Alloy of the Tria Prima,
three eternal Metals in my Observer;
empty Mind, Dew of the Moon's Tide,
a Sun reFleshed in the Netherworld!

My Opus Completus.
Observer in the fire that forges the Stone.
Metallic Salt, red Mercury and Sulfur fixed. 
Burnt to the bone in order to be reFleshed!
The philosophical brimStone of a god!
Fire and BrimStone!
Pregnant Fire Remembers Light At Last.
I feel exhausted and dead to the world,
Alien dematerialization from inside!
My Foetus grows, lower to higher,
etherealizing Metals of the Tria Prima.
Must integrate this libidinal sublimation,
elemental to quantum Energy reBorn!
I feel stuck in limbo, like hitting a wall,
how to die, resurrect Flour into a Soul?
Surrender to Alien transubstantiation;  
bear this unbearable disintegration;
hold-up my empty Grail, just observe;
water baptizes into mercurial Love!
Without fluency in the tongue of fire,
we remain stuck in the elements four;
Alien mythology diStills Blood all aflow, 
higher Energy of Spirit, Flesh to grow!
Fire is the language of creativeness,
process and goal of Alien apotheosis;
projected onto the sky, its myth to tell,
our unconscious god~Self to reveal!  
The mythos of Logos helps us withstand,
invasion, abduction, fire upon our land.
"There is no matter as such", says science,
intuition dematerializes the universe!
~quote - Max Planck~
So do not worry about going to Hell,
we are already here in the Netherworld;
where Neters are forged, human to Alien,
turning Flour into Bread of brimStone!
Water into Wine inside my Crucible,
Spiritus coagulates the Flesh of Soul;
Fluidity sets into a quantum Solid,
by conjuring Ether into Sulfur fixed!
I have crossed+over into heavenly Air,
into the Alloy, intolerable no more;
three Metals cool as fire puffs-out,
alchemical work on the Opus complete!

A Martian Attack!

From the movie. A Martian   Attack ! An Inner Invasion Day ! ~ Retirement dreaming  in autumn years, allowing my  imagination  to reappear;...