Saturday, August 12, 2023

Rebirth of the Black Sun.

The Black Sun, Splendour Solis, 16th century.

Rebirth of the Black-Sun from Pregnant Fire!
And, the end of understanding as I know it.
Inside the Crucible of my empty Grail,
water into mercurial Wine readily diStills;
New Skin and Blood for my Alien Foetus,
but where is my Soul of golden Flesh?
The Black-Sun is hidden in pregnant fire,
causing depression, mood of black desire;
the death-wish burns for resurrection,
in the dark night of baptismal incubation.
Alchemical Coagulation thickens Blood,
inside the unbearable Grail of my Head;
Pendragon devours its tail into Ether,
Flour for Holy Bread in my Observer.
The Black-Shine breaks bad with a bout,
burnt Bread in the Wine coagulates;
my lower mind can no-longer understand,
blackened by Death, fire sickle in hand!
To understand a thing we encompass it,
grasp it within the language of thought.
But we cannot know GOD's only Word.
How to know the ineffable in my Mind?
I must put aside the need to understand,
and allow GOD to encompass me instead;
the end of understanding is to be Known,
for when I am Still, GOD keeps Knowing!
At the Gates of Heaven is a fiery sWord,
which tests three Metals in the Mind
the end of days is an apocalyptic Dawn,
New Skin, Holy Blood and Flesh reborn!

The End of Understanding. 
"Yea, there is That which is the end-of-understanding
That which thou must understand with Flower of Mind.
For should'st thou turn thy mind inwards on It
and understand It as understanding 'something,' 
thou shalt not understand It.
For there is a power of the primordial Mind 
that shineth forth in all directions, 
flashing with rays of intelligence."

(from the Chaldean Oracles, 300 BCE)

A Martian Attack!

From the movie. A Martian   Attack ! An Inner Invasion Day ! ~ Retirement dreaming  in autumn years, allowing my  imagination  to reappear;...