Friday, August 25, 2023

This Green Sun We Live Upon!

My granddaughter painted this for me, she knows nothing 
about this blog or my writings. Very synchronistical!

This Green Sun We Live Upon!
The Sun never rises, nor does it set,
we still have a flat-earth mindset.
There are no planets or even moons,
all Orbs in the sky are made of Suns!
Only Stars exist in the universe,
except for hydrogen and helium gas;
everything else is Stardust made,
we live on a green Sun every day!
We are Star~gods in potential,
elemental humans forging Metals;
as without, so within we are Dust,
photosynthesization of the Logos.
Dark Energy of SpAce is all around,
Alien dematerialization in the Cloud;
U.F.Ontology of higher Beingness,
the Solarization of Consciousness!
Becoming green Suns upon a Star,
SpAce Beings forged by stolen fire.
Each an Alien Foetus reborn of Dust,
Myst into Blood, Flour into Flesh!

A Martian Attack!

From the movie. A Martian   Attack ! An Inner Invasion Day ! ~ Retirement dreaming  in autumn years, allowing my  imagination  to reappear;...