Thursday, August 24, 2023

Dark Matter into Ether.

Anubis, the Black Dog of Underworld deepression and
dementia, the Guide through the fiery Netherworld.

 Dark Matter of Mater into 
Etheric Dust, Myst and Flour.
Once more into the Bitch descend,
Cerberus is the Hound of Heaven!
Into the breach of the Demiworld,
matter into Ether dematerialized!
Anubis, is our dog-headed Guide,
animal spirit in the Underworld;
digs up the earth into the ground,
the hole for eternal Metals to find!
A grave situation of deepression,
Vortex below mind and emotion;
fire blackens us into the CANVAS,
White Metal of the Burning Bush!
regression by fiery immolation,
past time's layers of conditioning;
to the very first pattern I now spy:
a need for attention, or else to die!
child needs others for survival,
the first projection of being tribal.
But each one comes to GOD alone,
life is a process of Individuation!
Only the LORD knows Me inside,
ontological Omniscience in Mind.
There's no one left, so by fire I die,
just this CANVASEYE in my Eye!
Alien apotheosis into a Demigod,
my ego surrenders to fire's need.
Death's wish devours 4 elements,
into eternal Metals of my Foetus!
There's a Black Hole inside of fire,
which Alchemists call: Sol Niger;
my Black Sun that darkly shines,
fiery Portal into the higher Mind!
But first it destroys to Co~create,
its Breath all afire disintegrates!
Puff !... it goes into a PenDragon,
Dust of earth, Salt for a New Skin!
I pen down my darkest feelings,
emotions ebb away into Dreams;
water into Wine of Myst diStilled,
so I can write in symbolic Blood!
Mental matter suffocates in Mind,
as air proves the Flour into Bread;
forging a Neter in the Netherworld,
Black Sun puts on Flesh of Gold!
Id and ego make it back into Eden,
Metalmorphosis into a PenDragon!
Dog of the earth into a Salamander,
ego into Nous of Dust, Myst, Flour!
psychotic VOICE all in my Head;
a message in Ink from deep SpAce;
Spirit reSonates the Logos heard:
immaculate Concept of one Word!
Surrendering my life means death,
"Dog eats dog" via mythical wrath!
Spirit red~shifts, Mater to Sophia,
Blood coagulates a Soul Observer.

One of many Orthodox dog-headed icons. 

A Martian Attack!

From the movie. A Martian   Attack ! An Inner Invasion Day ! ~ Retirement dreaming  in autumn years, allowing my  imagination  to reappear;...